Learn How to Trust Your Intuition
The art of listening to yourself and becoming your own guru.
I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but there’s an awful lot of self-proclaimed “gurus” out there. You know, the ones who always have the answers, and never seem to make any mistakes? Well, it should come as no surprise to learn that these “gurus” are human too. We all have our flaws.
The truth is you don’t need a guru. You don’t have to listen to anyone else because you know exactly what to do. Even if you don’t believe you do. That is why in this week’s episode of Our Official Intelligence, we discuss how to be your own guru.
What is a Guru?
When you hear the word guru you may picture a man, perpetually seated in the lotus posture, twirling the hairs of his bushy white beard while delivering mad wisdom to people bowing in front of him. Perhaps somebody like this:
(in Hinduism and Buddhism) a spiritual teacher, especially one who imparts initiation.
A guru can be defined as a leader, a guide, or simply a spiritual space you feel safe to learn from. But for all intents and purposes, a guru is a teacher. In this week’s episode, we learned that you don’t have to be a stoic philosopher that took a vow of silence to be perfectly good for all time to be a guru.
Even the most horrible people can be gurus. You need to understand the significance of the bad guy in the story. We learn just as much from what we shouldn’t do from the villains, as what we should do from the heroes.
The moment you realize that you are a divine, unique masterpiece, you will realize that being who you were meant to be is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and the world.
You don’t need to “get into nature” because you are nature. It takes a while in your spiritual journey to be proud of yourself at the end of the day, but just remember…you have all the answers. The divine intelligence is within and everything you need to know is in you.
Read on Issuu https://issuu.com/ourofficialintelligence/docs/u_in_guru
From the Our Official Intelligence Podcast, more on www.ourofficialintelligence.com
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